Crepe Paper Distant Drums Rose Online Course Launched!


My Distant Drums Rose Online Course has finally launched!

I couldn't really believe it when I hit the "Publish" button because even though I did, no one knew it was live and no one could find it (well, unless they were a really good investigator). Lo and behold, a few of you guys discovered it when you went to download my Wild Roses workshop! Wow you guys are good!

So I guess, this launch turned out to be a "soft" launch given that some of you purchased the Distant Drums Rose Online Course this morning (Friday morning at 8:05 am EST to be exact), and I ended up announcing the launch on my Instagram account in the afternoon, and now, this evening, am writing a blog about it.I absolutely love making this rose because I've subsequently made other types of roses by building upon the techniques in this rose. Later, I'll show you the flowers that you could be making by building upon the skills acquired and techniques used in this flower.

If this is the first time you've heard about this course, then let me give you the details of what you could learn from my Distant Drums Rose Online Course. Here's the blurb from the course page:

"The Distant Drum rose is my absolute favourite rose to make when I want a flower that’s both classic and has a unique colouring. Although the colour of the rose changes in different climates, it's known for its peachy-bronze-mauve colour. It's a favourite rose for many florists. I loved teaching it in my in-person workshops.When I first embarked on making this flower in crepe paper, I approached it like any other flower I make. Little did I know that through the process of designing and constructing this rose, it would ultimately become one of my breakthrough flowers.I don't want you to re-invent the wheel. Let me teach you the skills and techniques I learned as I was creating this flower, so you don't need to. In this course,

  • Learn my basic formula or creating an ultra-realistic floribunda rose

  • Receive my unique templates for this rose

  • Learn my secret of making the petals in the centre swirls open naturally

  • Learn how I create texture in a flower

  • Learn how I assemble the flower so the petals look naturally placed

  • Learn how I make a proper leaf stem for a rose

You will also learn some specific skills and techniques, like these:

  • To make a fringed stamen

  • To colour your stamen with a common seasoning

  • To reduce bulk on the stems

  • To manipulate petals so they look natural

  • To tint the petals

Like I said, this is one of my breakthrough flowers. While designing and creating this flower, I discovered techniques that elevated my paper floral artistry. I've been able to transfer many of the skills I learned from designing this flower to other types of roses and flowers. I hope you'll join me on this journey as this might be the breakthrough flower for you too!This course is ideal for Intermediate students (or students with previous experience making paper flowers).

"But Jessie, what if I just started making paper flowers? Is this course for me?

My answer is this: Absolutely!

It's a great flower to learn from because I teach you both basic and more advanced skills and techniques. The amazing thing about an online course is that you can watch and re-watch the video demonstration over and over again until you get it. You literally see me make the flower step-by-step, watching me as I cut and assemble, from a 1st person perspective.If you're thinking, I really want to start from the very beginning, then take a look at the Wild Roses Online Course.

I'm thrilled by the initial reception, and I'm so very much looking forward to seeing all of your roses!! In fact, when you make it, make sure you post it on social media and tag it using the hashtag #bloomwithjessie.


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