Paper Floral Ring Window Display


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One of my goals this year was to be able to install a window display at a local store. In early May, I got the opportunity to install this large paper floral ring window display in one of the large windows at The Paper Place in downtown Toronto. I also installed some paper floral hoops (these were much smaller, the larges being 19" in diameter) and paper florals strung on fish wire.This was the first time I've had to make such a large structure, and a hanging one too.In addition to a variety of leaves (variegated, vines etc.), I also added foxgloves, magnolias, flowering quinces, spray/climbing rosesand Icelandic poppies.

On the day of installation, my husband came with me to help me hang everything. We arrived before the store was open and was greeted by Heather, the owner, and Janine, the manager. We installed the large paper floral ring window display on the gigantic East window that was 93 inches wide by 90 inches tall. After wrestling with the huge ladder, we were able to managed to find hooks on the ceiling to properly hang the wreath so it hung at least 1 foot away from the window pane. I was so relieved that it hung perfectly as I had envisioned and that it fit the window comfortably - it was not too small or too large.

Installing the floral hoops and strings of Icelandic Poppies and Wild Roses were much simpler. They were installed on the West windows, which were much smaller. accent flowers. I'm often drawn more to accent flowers than focal flowers. And the ranunculus is my favourite accent flower.

If you live in the Toronto area, go have a look!! I always get so giddy when I hear from you guys that you've seen the window display in real life. It'll likely be up til the end of June. After that, if the paper holds up and isn't too faded, I'll be renting the paper floral ring out for weddings.I'll post a DIY of how I made the paper floral ring window display in my next blog post.


DIY Paper Floral Ring


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