Release: Paper Flower Art Collection Prints

Prints in this collection in various sizes.


In celebration of the release of my book, Paper Flowers, which is the paperback version of Paper Flower Art, I’m releasing five images of the arrangements from the book as art prints.

After three long years, I am finally offering art prints from my book. My book, Paper Flower Art: Create Beautifully Realistic Floral Arrangements was released in October 2019/January 2020 (depending on where you lived). Now a paperback version of the book, called Paper Flowers, is being released this year - June and October 2022 (also depending on location).

So in celebration of this release, I’ve selected 5 beautiful images of the arrangements from the book, and digitally re-interpreted them into the prints you see below.

From left to right/top to bottom: ‘Peach and Pink Arrangement’ - ‘Purple and Mauve Arrangement’ - ‘Coral and Magenta Arrangement’ - Yellow and Blue Arrangement’ - ‘White and Green Arrangement’


This limited collection will be called ‘The Paper Flower Art Collection’ (because it’s in celebration of the paperback Paper Flower Art book launch) and I will be releasing it this coming Wednesday July 20. There will be 5 prints and each print will offer only 35 editions at the 10in x 12in size.

While I was typing away at my whimsical descriptions of my prints for my Shop, I was unexpectedly surprised by the depth of my feelings for each and every one of the images. I mean it’s been THREE years since I made the paper flowers, arranged them, composed them for the perfect shot. Now, three years later, I am still working on them! I edited them and digitally enhanced them so they fit behind a white frame. They’re also the images that made me a published author. I think there’s something innately special, and undeniably emotional, about that.

I also think there’s something to be said about layering art on top of art that makes it unique. Making paper flowers is one thing; photographing them and telling a story with them is another. A sculpture can be viewed at various angles, but in an image, I get to pre-determine which angle I want the viewer to see. Maybe it’s my favourite angle of that flower; maybe it’s the only angle that fits adjacent to the flower next to it.; maybe it's just something I want you to see.

I don’t think my flowers will ever look as “real” as real flowers, but if it evokes a feeling in the viewer, then my work is done.

My collectors have gotten a preview of what’s in the collection. You can view the collection here. They will also have exclusive access to the collection for one hour before it opens to the public. If you’re interested in collecting my art, mark your calendar for Wednesday July 20 @ 1PM and make sure to join my Collector’s List. My Collector's get an hour of early access at 12 PM!


Release: Paper Flower Art Collection Notecards


My Favourite Tools & Colouring Supplies for Paper Flower Art